Harnessing the therapeutic power of mitochondria

Minovia Therapeutics is a clinical stage company, the first to use mitochondrial cell therapy approach with the hope to bring life changing therapies to people with mitochondrial dysfunction.
From rare diseases to aging, Minovia is a lead center of excellence in mitochondria based therapy – a true platform for a better life.

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Mitochondria are unique organelles producing most of the cells’ energy demands and perform multiple crucial functions, impacting cell biology and health

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Mitochondrial Dysfunction

A heterogeneous group of disorders caused by mutations or deletions in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), displaying a wide range of severity and phenotypes

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Mitochondrial Augmentation

Mitochondrial Augmentation Technology (MAT) is an investigational therapy targeting the root-cause of mitochondrial diseases, as rare or common as they may be

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“After years of mitochondrial research my journey with Minovia began with a profound question: If we could harness the incredible power of mitochondria for therapeutic purposes, how many lives could be transformed?”
Natalie Yivgi-Ohana, PhD
Founder and CEO

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Mitochondrial Augmentation Technology (MAT) enriches autologous or allogeneic cells with qualified healthy, functional mitochondria.

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Our collective Responsibility



Developing transformative therapies to patients requires collaborative spirit and joint efforts from many parties. We believe in cross-discipline collaboration and partner with others who share our commitment and purpose.

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Translational R&D


We value our partnerships with Patients’ Advocacy Groups. Their insights and collaboration ensure that the voices of mitochondrial patients are heard and applied to our development plans and inspire our devotion.

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Heterogeneous hub of expertise


Bringing together our expertise in science, technology, analytical development, clinic and manufacturing to accelerate the collective understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction and deliver therapy that is meaningful to patients.

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